By Cynthia E. Brewer
Moses was shepherding Jethro’s flocks on Horeb, the mount
A bush was burning, but not consumed; it must be taken into account
The Lord orders Moses to rescue His people from Pharaoh
Ten plagues will pass before he allows the people to go
All must eat of the sacrificial lamb it was said
Bitter herbs, no time for leaven in the bread
Eat with loins girt, sandals on feet, staff in hand
Hurry, for tomorrow they will worship in a new land
Use the lamb’s blood to mark the door
Splash it on the lintel and doorposts, from top to floor
The angel of death will call tonight
If the blood is not seen it must strike
Morning arrives they hope to leave
Four hundred and thirty years of enslavement without reprieve
They wake to the native’s wailing and grinding of teeth
Egypt’s first born did not escape the black night’s thief
Only those saved were Hebrews who ate the lamb,
Splashed its blood on the door, the children of Abraham
The saving night is called the Passover of the Lord
The miracle is recounted in the Torah, the Holy Word
Pharaoh’s son is dead, he demands that they go
Through a parted sea thousands tread where water once flowed
Once to safety with great thanksgiving they praise the Lord
The enemy follows but is swallowed up as a horde
The rescued fear starvation and death
Moses prays for them until out of breath
They are given daily bread, water from a rock, and evening quail
Amazed at first, eventually their awe will fail
Waiting too long leads to unfaithfulness and idolatry,
Moses comes from the mountain with hope, only to see depravity
In anger he breaks the tablets of saving laws
Seraph serpents bite with fanged jaws
In remorse the people finally repent
The Lord commands a bronze serpent to be spent
Upon a pole it is raised
Looking at it they are saved
God’s mercy is unfailing, he wishes to save
Twelve are sent to spy upon the land He gave
Milk and honey await, but in fear they see only giants
In Moses and their Maker they have no reliance
Only Joshua and Caleb believe the descendants of the Anakim can be beat
The Israelites wish to return to Egypt, preferring enslavement to defeat
With prayer Moses and Aaron implore mercy from the Lord
He decides one year punishment for each day the twelve explored
For forty years more the people wander like endless waves
For they did not trust the Lord, who only wanted to save
This generation dies from their lack of faith
Only their children will enter the Promised Land’s gate
How many still fear and despair
Even after experiencing His miracles everywhere?
When His people’s faith and trust are alive
His glorious promises continue to thrive