Contemplative Catholic Christian Creations

More to Life
Than This Life

Finding Christ’s Truth In the Catholic Faith

Benefits to Journaling

Why Journal?

Achieve Goals
Reduce Stress
Track Growth
Self Discovery
Find Inspiration
Manage Anxiety

Why a Catholic-Christian Journal?

Meditate on Scripture
Pray by Journaling
Truly Christ-Centered Journal
Practice Lectio Divina
Find the Sacraments in the Bible
Write Love Letters to God

What to Journal?

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Day's Events

About The Author

I hope to have my prayer journal on the Holy Eucharist published this year.

I invite you to join me on a journey of discovery or possibly rediscovery. Together, let us delve into the profound truths of the Catholic Faith, uncovering the deeper meaning of life beyond our earthly existence, and discovering the relationship God wishes to have with us.
As a writer and creator of Catholic-Christian Journals, I’ve discovered that one can learn about God by reading the Bible, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, or the Lives of the Saints, but  one can only develop a relationship with God by spending time with Him. One way to do that is by praying through journaling.
My calling is to share the Catholic faith through my blog and by providing Christian journals that share, on each page, the teachings of Christ. I hope to help you journal your faith, unravel Christian mysteries, and experience a relationship with Christ through journaling.

In today’s world, people hold different beliefs about spirituality and religion. To me that is understandable, but it’s difficult for me to understand how some people just don’t seem to care about religion or spirituality. Unfortunately, many don’t realize that there is a God or an afterlife. For me, contemplating God, the afterlife, and the wonders of heaven, feels just as real as the present moment.

It’s not always their fault for not wanting that relationship with God. Recent generations have been cheated because they were never taught about God. They or their parents grew up in a time of spiritual rebellion that has played itself out since the 60’s with the Sexual and Drug Revolution. They’re not aware that God’s love knows no bounds, and that His ultimate desire is for us to experience eternal joy in His presence for eternity. But, he respects our freedom to choose; He does not impose His love upon us but invites us to embrace Him willingly.

God extends His Divine Mercy to all, assuring us that “The greater the sinner, the greater the right he has to My mercy” (Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, 723). Even if we have strayed as the worst of sinners, He eagerly welcomes us back into His loving embrace. With this website, I aim to extend that warm embrace to everyone, providing knowledge and understanding about God’s love for you—whether you have wandered from your faith or remained steadfast in your devotion.

There is so much more to life than what meets the eye, and I believe that the teachings of the Catholic Church can illuminate your life’s path by providing a deeper understanding of the love and mercy of God.

Thank you for considering this invitation to come alongside me to uncover the beauty and profound richness of Christ’s truth taught in the Catholic Faith.

Cindy Brewer

 Catholic writer and creator of Christian Journals

Get Our Journals

“I hope my journals and the Bible verses I’ve chosen for them draw you closer to Christ through His sacraments and teachings.” – Cindy

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Professional Writer

The Bread of Life

Mary, Our Spiritual Mother


Journals for your Spiritual Journey

We are pleased to announce the launch of our two new Catholic journals, Mary, Our Spiritual Mother and The Bread of Life. These journals are designed to support you on your spiritual journey by providing insightful reflections and teachings on the Catholic faith. Mary, Our Spiritual Mother offers a deeper understanding of the role of Mary in our lives and how she can guide us in our spiritual journey. The Bread of Life provides inspiration and guidance for living a life rooted in the Eucharist. We hope these journals will enrich your spiritual life and deepen your relationship with God.

Spiritual Reflections

Biblical Teachings

Bible Verses on Every Page

Community and Connection

Bible Verses on Every Page

Our Journals

Mary, Our Spiritual Mother and The Bread of Life

Both journals feature insightful reflections on the Catholic faith, offering a deeper understanding of various aspects of our spiritual journey.

  • Mary, Our Spiritual Mother
  • The Bread of Life


Spiritual Blog For the Soul

Check out the blogs written by Cindy Brewer, author of the journals Mary, Our Spiritual Mother, and The Bread of Life. Topics cover religion, thoughts on current events, and Bible reflections.