I’m reading “Simple Abundance~365 Days to a Balanced and Joyful Life” by Sarah Ban Breathnach. Through it and my Catholic-Christian Life Coach Group, I’ve confirmed what things make me happiest.
Based on my Website’s title, Faith & Flowers, it’s obvious that those two things—faith and flowers—are at the top of my list!
I’m not sure if you all know that I’m writing a prayer journal based on Adoration of Christ in the Eucharist. I have felt God calling me to create this book, but Eucharistic Adoration is very difficult for me.
I don’t easily feel the presence of Jesus in the Eucharistic Host. My mind knows He is present because He told us so—in the sixth book of the Gospel of John and in the Last Supper accounts. And St. Paul confirms it. But it is hard to sense it.
I do, however, effortlessly experience God in nature, particularly through flowers. When I’m in the midst of simple, humble flowers my heart surges with joy. I’m like a little kid on Christmas morning!
So, while I was sitting in the Adoration Chapel this morning, the thought occurred to me that if the vision of flowers can make me so happy, imagine what the “Beatific Vision”—the vision of God in Heaven—will be like!
Immediately, the words “Jesus, my sweetest, most fragrant flower!” came to my mind as I looked at the Eucharist. A smile covered my face and tears formed in my eyes. Jesus is the most beautiful and most fragrant of the most beautiful and fragrant flowers!
After this heartfelt vision, I did not want to leave the chapel. I stayed for an additional half-hour past my scheduled time. I had never felt such peace and contentment. This time, I truly experienced God, and how beautiful that was!
So, however your favorite things make you feel, give those thoughts and feelings to Jesus. See Jesus as the fulfillment of your desire for your favorite things. God can never be outdone in generosity. He will fulfill you!