broken brain, fortified faith
by Virginia Pillars
My friend, Virginia Pillars, has written a book that will not only help those taking care of a loved one with mental illness by offering hope but will also help to open minds to better understand this frightening disease.
Her book will carry the reader through the ups and downs of her family’s harrowing trials and triumphs as they faced one crisis after another while trying to find help for her young adult daughter who suddenly came down with schizophrenia. Her book teaches while it reads like a heart-racing novel.
Virginia takes you on her journey of finding the right medical help, educating herself and her family on the disease, obtaining legal guardianship, facing other family emergencies, and increasing her trust in God through each new emergency.
Although she and her husband already shared a vibrant faith, through the turmoil of mental illness, it was tested yet fortified. Jesus’ prayer, “Thy will be done,” became hers as she desperately clutched to the One who said He would never abandon her.
You will be frightened, laugh, cry, and give thanks as you read Virginia’s heart-wrenching and -warming story. Through her trials and example, I hope her story will also “fortify” your faith as it has mine.