It’s been quite a while since I’ve updated my blog with a garden report, so here goes.
Last fall I had planted a winter garden and for the first time tried growing Romaine lettuce, red leaf lettuce, purple cabbage, and broccoli.
I was so excited to harvest heads of romaine lettuce; I harvested individual leaves of the red leaf. Both were very successful. I had fresh lettuce from the garden all winter long.
It’s May 2020 and I’m still shredding purple cabbage for my store-bought salads.

I also planted radishes and carrots. I had forgotten about them since they were across the yard from my other veggies. I may have forgotten them, but they didn’t forget to grow. I picked the largest radishes I had ever seen. The carrots never grew long; they were short and fat. Online, I found a delicious recipe for Creamy Radish Soup. I made it several times. Cooked radishes lose their hot, spicy flavor, which is a good thing—these were so spicy. When cooked, to me, they taste like cooked turnips.