From 2008, I was woken up five nights a week to a night-time tension headache. That’s more than 3,000 tension headaches in the past thirteen years. But who’s counting?
I have gone to a headache specialist, several neurologists, several doctors, chiropractors, massage therapists, and had a three-day hospital treatment—all to no avail.
All that would help was generic Fioricet plus receive two more hours of sleep before I had to get up. If I couldn’t get back to sleep, I felt so tired and like I was in a fog. Sometimes a headache would last three days before getting rid of it.
Why am I sharing my woes with you all? Because as of three weeks ago, the headaches are gone!
They were tension headaches, caused by what I do most all day—write and type on the computer. If I’d go on vacation, I didn’t have them.
Eight years ago, I left my job of 13 years as the editor of a Catholic newspaper, and they went away.
But a year later, I decided to work from home, doing guess what? Writing—typing on a computer. The headaches came back to me like a long-lost friend. Of course, it was a one-way friendship.
I’ve been worried what that much tension and that much medicine was doing to my brain. I’ve wondered if this were just the cross I bear for writing for God. At least I see my writing as for God. Or was this God’s way of telling me that this is not what I should be doing?
Years ago, my primary doctor put me on a very, low dose of anti-depressant/anti-anxiety medicine. I could tell it helped a bit. I had fewer blue days.
Years passed, and I finally mentioned to my doctor’s partner that I still had some blue days, especially if it were cloudy outside, and that I still suffered from a lot of anxiety.
She looked at my chart and said, well you’re on a very, low dose of meds., and raised it to what I should have probably been moved to years ago.
A couple of months passed. I’ve been really busy with scheduling 60 volunteers for my church, meeting with and creating writing projects, planting lots of flower seeds, and neglecting the cleanliness of my house.
Suddenly, I realized that it had been three weeks since I had last woken up in the middle of the night to take a Fioricet. I wondered why. Then I realized that it had to have been the proper dose of my anti-depressant.
I couldn’t believe it and thanked God mightily. This is life changing! I feel like I have a new lease on life.
Normally this isn’t something one would share with others, but to me, it’s so big, that I just have to let everyone know how thankful I am to God.
All praise to God, in the name of Jesus Christ.
“How shall I make a return to the Lord for all the good he has done for me?” Psalm 116:12