“Cynthia Brewer’s prayer journal, Discovering Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, comes from the heart, a product of prayer, reflection, and faith. I very much admire the author’s love for the richness of our Catholic faith and her ability to express that love in such clear written form. I hope that this work will support and enhance the prayer life of those who read it.”
Bishop Emeritus David E. Fellhauer
Diocese of Victoria in Texas
This is not just another prayer journal. Cindy Brewer has taken the wisdom of the Church, the words of the Saints, and the Scriptures together with reflections and prayers to lead people to a deep and rich understanding of the Eucharist. This book can be used for prayer in Adoration chapels as the answer to the question, “how do I pray?” It is simple, but profound, in that it looks to the truth of the True Presence of Jesus to guide you as you pray. I recommend this to all those who want to draw closer to Jesus in the Eucharist through prayer and contemplation.
Deanna Bartalini, Spiritual Director and Catholic Content Creator; founder of LiveNotLukewarm.com; and author of “Invite the Holy Spirit into Your Life,” a Stay Connected Journal for Catholic Women published by Our Sunday Visitor.
Discovering Jesus in the Holy Eucharist is a teaching/meditative prayer journal that includes a quote from each of three sections – the Bible, the Catechism, and the Saints, followed by a reflection, prayer, and writing prompt — on one page, providing a short, yet multi-layered form of prayer.
The facing page includes journal lines on which to answer the prompt: What is Jesus saying to me here, and what do I want to say to him?
Because this is a very large journal, it is being offered in four different sizes. The first is the full journal with quotes, the reflection, prayer, and journal prompt with a facing page of journal lines after each reflection. It is available only in black and as a paperback or hardbound book (530 pages).
The second choice includes all the front and back matter, the same quotes, reflections, prayers, and journal prompt, but does not include journal pages. It can be used as an Adoration Chapel copy for shared use as a
devotional. Adorers would bring their own journal to write in their thoughts and prayers. It comes in spiral bound, paperback, and hardback (212 pages).
The third and fourth are like the first but divided into two journals: Discovering Jesus in the Holy Eucharist through the Bible and the Catechism (320 pages) and Discovering Jesus in the Holy Eucharist through the Saints. These come in spiral bound, paperback, and hardbound (270 pages).
All of the Discovering Jesus in the Holy Eucharist journals include the same front and back matter as the original full journal.
These journals are designed to support you on your spiritual journey by providing insightful reflections and teachings on the Holy Eucharist. We hope that they will enrich your spiritual life and deepen your relationship with God through the Catholic faith.
After using many “Christian-themed” journals, I began to yearn for one that focused more on Jesus, His Mother, and His teachings, particularly the sacraments He had introduced to His apostles.
What Christ instituted are the outward signs of inward grace for our sanctification—our means to holiness. These sacraments include Baptism, Reconciliation, Holy Communion (the Holy Eucharist), Confirmation, Anointing of the Sick, Marriage, and Holy Orders.
I hope my journals and the Bible verses I’ve chosen for them draw you closer to Christ through His sacraments and teachings.
The journals in the Journaling with Jesus Series (those with one Bible verse on each page and the remaining page journal lines) can be used as guided prayer journals by meditating upon and responding to each of the 34 Bread of Life and other Eucharistic Bible verses, which repeat five times, or the 63 Mary, Our Spiritual Mother verses which repeat two times, or they can be used simply as personal journals with beautiful Bible verses that will bless you each time you read them.
If they are used as prayer journals focusing on the Bible verses, you will have an opportunity to go deeper in meaning each time you meditate on them, similar to Lectio Divina prayer.
Repetition assists us, for we know that even if we’ve read or heard a Bible story many times, each time we come across it again, our lives are in a new place. We’ve learned more, we’ve grown more, and we’ve experienced more. We’re not the same people we were before.
God will use His Word to speak to us wherever we are in that moment. However you wish to use these journals, come and see what God has to say to you and where He is leading you at this tim
Discover the depths of the Catholic Faith and cultivate a personal relationship with God through journaling, as we provide Christian journals that unravel mysteries, foster faith, and illuminate the love and mercy of God.